Monday, October 26, 2009

Russian Online Dating No Longer Taboo

Searching for a future Russian bride across the globe via the internet may sound strange to some, but actually it is very normal compared to other online dating sites out there. Studies have shown that international marriages between Western men and Russian and Ukrainian women do work well, but I'm not so sure about some of these other bizarre matchmaking sites.

There seems to be an online dating community for all types these days. There’s a myriad of animal lover sites from cats, dogs, reptiles, and even horses. There is also a site for fans of popular television shows and movies, like Star Trek and Star Wars. Many different lifestyles and professions are represented in the online dating world including doctors, bikers, farmers, environmentalists, and even vampires, or as they prefer to be called, gothic singles.

These unique, specialized dating sites are successful in tailoring the single user’s needs and narrowing down the selection, no matter how bizarre those needs are. Need a geek? There’s a site for that. How about a vegetarian? Yes, there’s a site for them too. Singles are showing they would rather search for love these ways. In fact, nearly a third of online singles said they prefer so-called niche dating sites, according to a survey by Jupiter Research.

Many of these weird sites have strategic matching methods, using questionnaires, personality tests, and compatibility charts. Are all of these calculations worthy of success, or are they mostly a waste of your time?

Many men have joined the Russian dating community and are very happy with the results. Russian dating is no longer taboo!

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